
Monday, 30 November 2015

Does True Love Exist? Philosophical Paper

True Love is existent. Most people assume that true love doesn't exist because of the constant heartbreaks that we face in todays society. It is proven that the least people who show love and affection for one another are, atheists. But to be clear, there is no greater Love than the one that you may receive than from thee highest authority. No one on earth would give his or her child for the sake of the whole world. But, for God, he loved and continues to love even those who sin against his will, because with love comes forgiveness and his faithfulness will continue to stay true. So yes indeed, true love exists.  

According to Philosopher Augustine “God Exists”, Augustine explains that faith is believing in what you cannot see. Therefore explains a Love so great that even humans are not able to withhold. Philosopher Augustine further explains that in order to Love one another as a brother or sister, He must then believe in the Father ‘God’ or in some cases ‘Higher Authority’. 

However, God did not want his followers to walk the earth without knowing the existence of what love is. But although we like to feel that special affection from someone OR towards someone, love will never work on our own without God being the center of it all. Take the movie ‘War Room’ for example, in the beginning of the movie God wasn’t the center of the marriage but towards the end prayers and requests to fix broken promises by God fixed not just their marriage, but for their whole lives as well. This is proof that God’s love is as true and will forever and always stay faithful, in order to receive, you must ask and then, you shall. 

Although we’d want everyone to experience and believe in love and God, most people do not. The main people who believe that True Love does not exist are those who do not believe in God. Philosopher David Silverman is a man who believes in atheism. Silverman argues that “religion is more than just wrong: it is malevolent and does not deserve our respect. It is our duty to be outspoken and do what we can to bring religion down. Examining the mentality, methods and issues facing the firebrand atheist, Silverman presents an overwhelming argument for firebrand atheism and reveals”, Because of Silverman’s lack of faith in God it is clear that love is non existent in his life. Silverman has wrote an article called “Religion is my Bitch” that title proves my point that Silverman has no experienced a love so true that he has written brainwashing articles to isolate himself and others away from the true love of God. But, to argue Silverman's point in non existent love. 

Philosopher and writer Julian Baggini says “All love is a kind a passionate commitment that we nurture and develop WITH GOD’S LOVE, even though it usually arrives in our lives unbidden. That's why it is more than just a powerful feeling. Without the commitment, it is mere infatuation”
Baggini believes in the word of God and also argues that true love is real with the commitment and oath between one and the other. 

In conclusion, True Love exists whether or not we like to believe in it, the Love of God will never forbid or forsake us. God loves his children, including those who do not believe in his name. Love from family, friends, parents, and spouses will always remain true and unbreakable as long as God is the center of it all. Therefore True Love exists.  

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